Saturday, April 17, 2010

Disconnected Metaphor for the Stupid American?

Are you paying attention, America? I'm beginning to think that unemployment insurance is not insurance for the unemployed, but rather hush money to keep the unemployed from revolting against this fraud parading around as business. Why aren't Americans angry? I'll tell you why: Americans think it is easier for them to eventually work their way up to a position where they can cash in by fraud than it is to change the fraudulent system (the system, incidentally, they have been told is the 'goodest' in the world). No need to change the system, if it is already the best in the world, right? How is it that Americans do not understand how it affects them personally? Do they not realize that John Q. Taxpayer is not just one person who lives in Dubuque, Iowa, but a purposefully disconnected metaphor for the stupid American?

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