Monday, April 26, 2010

Ridding Ourselves of the Econopaths

I suggest that, in order to move forward as a nation and as a society, we engage some kind of psychological testing for all people in elite positions, from high office to the boardroom of American's corporations. What we want to do is eliminate those in our midst who are most likely to do us great harm---the sociopaths. They are the most ambitious, the most aggressive, and the least conscientious members of our society, willing, often, to step on others to get to the trough. If they harmed themselves only, we needn't be concerned, because the consequence of their own damage is limited to their own spheres. But they harm us in countless invisible ways. If they did to an individual what they do to the masses, we would call them economic murderers. But because their actions enjoy a diffusion of responsibility, we instead look to the individual and blame him instead for his circumstances---as if the actions from on high were divinely inspired or an act of God. If these people were limited to using their own resources, they would not have the power they have; remember, they have at their disposal the cumulative resources of thousands or millions of people, and have granted themselves the divine right of looting our collective treasuries to fuel their personal, feckless ambitions. They steal from the great collective and then give it back in forms of libraries and foundations---a redistribution of wealth they so vociferously campaign against. Talk about hypocrisy. And that must be the mark of a sociopath or the American capitalist version---the econopath.

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